In the Dust of Waiting. Paths in the neighborhoods of Estrada Militar, Santa Filomena and Encosta Nascente , is the result of three years of work in the neighborhood of Santa Filomena, Amadora (Portugal), where, between 2008 and 2010, the author Sónia Vaz Borges coordinated some activities within the framework of the "Laço" parental training project, funded by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and developed by the Instituto das Comunidades Educativas.
The book documents the history of three neighborhoods and the presence of African diasporic people in the periphery of Lisbon, particularly as it relates to their struggles to secure housing, establish communities, and to reckon with the lingering effects of post-colonialism.
"These are pieces of stories, lives, places and ways, dreams and journeys, memories and everyday life. Stories of who was and continues to be placed on the shores of history. In houses and streets built by time and by people. So that this world was not forgotten and erased not only from memory but also from physical space, I made sure that some of its stories had a place where they could be told and lead to a reflection that opens the way for the future."
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