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Sónia Vaz Borges Ph.D.


I am a militant interdisciplinary historian and long-time social and political organizer. I am also an enthusiastic traveler and an avid language learner.


My publications in German, Portuguese and English, include the essays 

Na pó di Spera: die koloniale Peripherie Lissabons, In Decolonize the city. Zur Kolonialität der Stadt – Gespräche (Unrast); On Space of imaginations and the space of memories: Remembering Conakry PAIGC headquarters (The Funambulist), the book Na Pó Di Spéra. Percursos nos Bairros da Estrada Militar, de Santa Filomena e da Encosta Nascente (Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian), and the book Militant Education, liberation struggle and consciousness. The PAIGC education in Guinea Bissau 1963-1978 (Peter Lang). 


In collaboration with the Tricontinental Institute, I produced  the text  for their  edition Studies on National liberation, with the title The PAIGC's Political Education for Liberation in Guinea -Bissau, 1963-1974, that is available online for download in Portuguese, English and Spanish. 


Mangrove School (2022), the  film I co-authored with Filipa César, was awarded The No. 1 African Film Award, at the Ann Arbor Film Festival 2023.


In 2024, I co-curated the Portuguese pavilion at the 60th  La Biennale di Venezia with the project Greenhouse. 


My most recent publications are  Ragás. Because the sea has no place to grab. A memoir of home, migration, and African liberation, published together with Maria Isabel Vaz (Common Notions , 2024) and Greenhouse. Art, Ecology and Resistance, co-edited with Mónica de Miranda (Skira, 2024).









History of Education on Air

HistEdOnAir – Bringing History of Education to your ears.

Our podcast HistEdOnAir discusses topics in the field of education from a historiographical perspective. Delving deeper into questions such as why going to school has become a widely shared experience or how education and schooling have come to be regarded as a cure-all for problems faced by society inspired us to start this project. 

With: Fanny Isensee, M.A.; Josefine Wähler, M.A.; Daniel Töpper, M.A.

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